Training for Professionals

I offer webinars, workshops, and 1:1 clinical consultations for providers, coaches, and community leaders who want to incorporate an anti-oppressive, liberatory approach to their practice, team, and culture. In particular, groups often reach out to me for support with incorporating a weight-neutral approach to wellness as opposed to a weight-centered one. This single paradigm shift can shed light on the oppressive systems that have shaped the weight-centered approach to health. 

These offerings draw on my lived-experiences as a mixed-race, femme-bodied person, as well as trainings with models such as Restorative Justice, Harm Reduction in Eating Disorder care, Internal Family Systems therapy, the Body Positive Project, and reactive curriculum from Holistic Resistance. These services also incorporate my experience working in a variety of settings, including community centers, WIC clinics, running groups in treatment centers, and 1:1 counseling.​

With regard to speaking opportunities, I will provide names of individuals with more marginalized identities than myself, such as fat, Black, and indigenous people who have been historically passed over for opportunities such as this to speak to your organization instead of myself, when possible. By doing this, we take steps to work toward being less likely to overlook the important perspectives of people not often heard, thereby increasing our understanding of the topic and decreasing risk of harm.

Increase your depth of care.

Dietitian Consultation

For dietitians who want to incorporate more inclusive, harm-reductive approaches to support their clients moving toward recovery. Including but not limited to diagnoises such as ARFID, AN, BN, or BED. Please note these cannot contribute iaedp certification,

IFS Consultation

For providers or coaches who are curious about the model or have completed a Level 1 Training and want guidance implementing the model with their clients or receive support exploring their own system. Please note these cannot contribute toward certification hours.


Many organizations and clinics unintentionally reinforce disrupted relationships to bodies and food, particularly for people who hold marginalized identities. These trainings help clinicians, gyms, and community groups support wellness with increased awareness.